Needle Felting Detailed Tutorial Videos
3ヶ月に一度開催されるQ&A LIVEでは、みなさんからのご質問にお答えします。
This course is a video lesson on the basics of needle felting cats.The lessons are subtitled in English.
During the one-year viewing period, you can replay the videos and take the lessons anytime you like.
Q&A LIVE will be held once every three months, and your questions will be answered with simultaneous interpretation.
Needle felting lessons from scratch

49 Lessons 14 Hours
猫を作るだけではなく、羊毛フェルトの基礎・基本、さらには素材の特性につい ても学ぶことができます。
In addition to making cats, you can learn the basics and fundamentals of needle felting, as well as the characteristics of the material.

Beginners can do it
The first half of the lesson consists of a practice part so that even those with no needle felting experience can take the class.

Downloadable patterns
Lessons can be created by downloading the same paper pattern as the sample piece and using the actual dimensions as a reference.
Online Live Study Sessions by ZoomQ&A LIVE 勉強会
制作の疑問にお答えするQ&A LIVE 勉強会にご参加いただけます。リアルタイムでのご参加ができなくても、後からアーカイブにてご視聴いただけます。ぜひご参加ください。
You can participate in a Q&A LIVE study session to have your creation questions answered. Even if you cannot attend in real time, you can watch it later in the archive. We look forward to your participation.